Top 10 Reggae Bass Players of All Time

‘Top 10 Reggae Bass Players of All Time’

While we tried our best to be objective, list creation is a painstaking task that always is influenced by personal taste. This fact proved especially true when we at I Never Knew Tv tasked ourselves with compiling a complete record of the best bass players to pluck strings. When choosing who to include, we used the following criteria: does the average reggae fan know their bass lines, their influence on Jamaican music, and their body of studio work? The result consists of bassists who have made famous bass lines and classic songs during the ska, rocksteady, reggae, and dancehall eras of Jamaican music.


Mutabaruka | The Rastafari Barefoot African Teacher

Mutabaruka is an instrumental figurehead to African people at large, as he defies the odds at all cost and wants nothing to do with the status quo that was set in place by the oppressors. In Jamaica, Muta has one of the longest running programs on Radio, The Cutting Edge, which he uses as a propaganda machine for Rastafari. The ordinary individual caught in the schematics of the systems would hear the term “University” and think of a physical location that offers formal education on a tertiary level, but to the majority of black revolutionaries the Cutting Edge is seen as a university that goes way beyond formal education. Currently Muta is working on a new media outlet called the ‘ Internet’, which is defined as the multiplication of the sun, and is one that will connect Africans all over the world.