Luciano is a legendary Rastafari reggae singer and songwriter. In this reasoning, Luciano starts off by speaking about his close relationship with Mikey General and how Dennis Brown validated his talent and boosted his c ...
Vashti ‘We Don’t Have As Much Time As We Think, So Appreciate Your Time’ Enjoy 'Throw Forward' clip from Vashti speaking about the time being our most precious resource and why we should appreciate it more.
Shahrazad Ali On How To Make The Black Family Stronger, Kevin Samuels, Malcolm X (Full Interview) Legendary author Shahrazad Ali shares the inspiration behind he classic book 'The Black Man's Guide To Understanding The Black Woman'. Next, Shahrazad Ali talks about Black preachers, influencing Kevin Samuels, white ...
Warrior King On Being A Student Of The Only Rastafari To Speak With Selassie, Mortimer Planno Pt.2 In this reasoning Jamaican roots reggae singer-songwriter, vocalist Warrior King speaks shares his experience and teaching he received as a student to Rastafari patriarch Mortimer 'Kumi' Planno. Warrior King also spe ...
Lawrence Adjah On Interracial Marriage And Myths About Black Love Issues Pt. 4 In this reasoning pastor, marriage counselor, author and entrepreneur Lawrence Adjah debunks myths about interracial marriage and black love issues.
Dale Elliott On Why Jamaica Loses Most Of Its Smart And Talented Citizens Pt.4 In this reasoning actor, comedian, an content creator Dale Elliott shares his view on Jamaica's brain drain crisis where majority of its smart and talented citizens leave the country. Elliott also explains why he mig ...
Dr. Kwasi Konadu On African Spirituality And Why African People Pour Out Drinks For The Dead Pt.4 In this reasoning professor, healer, and author Dr. Kwasi Konadu shares easy ways people can start practicing African spirituality. Dr. Konadu also shares the meaning of libations.
Dr. Jay-Paul Hinds Breaks Down The Philosophical Evolution Of Martin Luther King And Malcolm X Pt.6 In this reasoning professor and author Dr. Jay-Paul M. Hinds speaks the philosophical shifts of both Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King towards the end of their lives.
Jamaican Drink That Reverses Erectile Dysfunction, Cleans Colon, Cleans Blood, And More… Originally Released On : April 24th, 2020 History of Roots Tonic : Jamaica's Cure All Drink | Documentary 'I Never Knew Tv' is proud to present our second documentary exploring Jamaica's ethnomedical heritage of ...
Man Cannot Destroy The Earth, Man Can Only Destroy Themselves this reasoning, Mutabaruka speaks about the importance of a plant based diet, dangers of animal farming, and the role all humans play in preserving the earth.