In this reasoning owner and operator of Mount Kailash Rejuvenation Centre in St. Lucia W.I., starts off by speaking about the impact of Rastafari on holistic health across the world. Kailash goes on to explain why 'ital ...
Dr. Kwasi Konadu “We Should Focus On The Historical Haile Selassie I And Not The Mythological One” Pt.2 In this reasoning professor, healer, and author Dr. Kwasi Konadu argues people should focus on the historical Emperor Haile Selassie I and not what he believes is the deified mythological version created by the Rastafari ...
Mutabaruka “It’s Ridiculous Our Government Is Exporting Food While People In Our Country Are Hungry” In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka condemns the Jamaican government and farmers for putting profits before the health of the Jamaican citizens.
Ras Flako Tafari And Icients Reason About Rastafari’s Role In Building Brand Jamaica In this clip Ras Flako Tafari and Icients reason about the immense contribution Rastafari has made to brand Jamaica despite persecution by the Jamaican government.
Dr. K’Adamawe Knife Talks Human Super Powers, Dangers Of Herb High In THC, And Generational Curses (Full Interview) Dr. K’adamawe A.H.N. K’nife is a lecturer and researcher in The Mona School of Business and Management at The University of the West Indies. Dr. K’nife also serves as the Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship Think ...
Mutabaruka Says “People Are Manipulated To Act Like Zombies” And Talks About The Myth Of Freedom In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka argues most people act like zombies and only do what they are told to do. Mutabaruka goes on to speak the idea of humans being ...
Mutabaruka On How Cheikh Anti Diop Used Science To Prove That Ancient Egyptians Were Black People In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka speaks about Cheikh Anti Diop's great contribution to African history and debunking myths about ancient Egyptians.
Dr. K’adamwe Knife Provides Blueprint Rastafari Can Use To Benefit From The Marijuana Industry Pt.5 In this reasoning Dr. K'adamawe Knife provides a blueprint for Rastafari to benefit from the marijuana industry in Jamaica.
Dr. K’adamawe Knife On What Rastafari Mean When They Speak About ‘Rainbow Circle Throne’ Pt.4 In this reasoning Dr. K'adamawe Knife speaks what Rastafari mean when they speak about the 'Rainbow Circle Throne'.
Dr. K’adamawe Knife “It Makes No Sense That Our Country Is Importing Marijuana From Canada” Pt.1 In this reasoning Dr. K'adamawe Knife explains why the importation of marijuana from Canada into Jamaica is both irrational and detrimental to the countries economy.