Enjoy history lesson from Mutabaruka explaining how the Arabs and Moors enslaved Africans way before the Europeans.
The Arabs And Moors Enslaved Africans Way Before The Europeans
Enjoy history lesson from Mutabaruka explaining how the Arabs and Moors enslaved Africans way before the Europeans.
Mutabaruka Speaks “Technology Is The New God Ruling The Earth” Listen to powerful reasoning from Mutabaruka as he explains how technology has negatively impacted human relationships, brain capability, and job opportunities. Mutabaruka also speaks about the possibility ...
Mutabaruka Speaks “Technology Is The New God Ruling The Earth” Listen powerful reasoning from Mutabaruka explaining how technology has negatively impacted human relationships, brain capability, and job opportunities. Mutabaruka also speaks about the possibility of AI (Artificial ...
Mutabaruka Speaks “Stop Trying To Make Jesus Black “ Mutabaruka believes people trying to "blacken Jesus is craziness". He believes changing the color of Jesus will not change the idea of Jesus. Mutabaruka goes on to speaks about theNew Testament being used as a tool o ...
Ras Flako Tafari | Rastafari History : Twelve Tribes Of Israel Listen rastafari elder Ras Flako Tafari and brethren reason about the history of the most famous mansion (group within the Rastafari movement) of Rastafari, Twelve Tribes of Israel. Flako speaks about Prophet Gad sta ...
Mutabaruka Speaks About White Rastas and The Rastafari Movement Mutabaruka speaks about the Rastafari movement, white Rastas, and the need for Africans to keep focused on the goal of liberation.
Mutabaruka Speaks About The Rastafari Movement and White Rastas
Listen powerful reasoning from Mutabaruka speaking about the Rastafari movement, white Rastas, and the need to keep focus on the goal of liberation.
Mutabaruka Speaks “Black People Pray Too Much” Listen powerful reasoning from Mutabaruka explaining how European political and religious ideologies cannot help in the liberation of African people.
Mutabaruka Speaks “Black People Pray Too Much” Listen powerful reasoning from Mutabaruka who shares his views on the inability of European political and religious ideologies to help liberate African people. Mutabaruka explains how Christianity has been used both a ...