In this reasoning Dr. Umar Johnson criticizes interracial marriages, defends polygamy, and speaks about emasculated black men.
Dr.Umar Johnson “The Brain Is The Slave To Repetition, We HaveTo Motivate Our Children” Pt.4 In this reasoning Dr. Umar Johnson speaks on the importance of parents consistently motivating and encouraging their children.
Dr. Dorothy Holley On Time Being The Most Valuable Thing We Have And How To Manage It Properly Pt.5 In this reasoning Dr. Dorothy Adamson Holley, aka Drum Dr. Dot speaks on how to prioritize yourself and manage your time better.
Everton Blender “Rasta Don’t Live Like A Lot Of These Long Hair Harrys You See Walking Around” Pt.4 In this reasoning legendary reggae singer and producer Everton Blender shares how imposter Rastas inspired his song 'Long Hair Harry'.
Dr. Jay-Paul Hinds On The Main Characteristics Of A Ghetto Not Being Poverty But Isolation Pt.5 In this reasoning professor and author Dr. Jay-Paul M. Hinds explains why people are wrong when using poverty as the main characterization of the 'ghetto'.
Dr. Umar Johnson On Why 69% Of Suicides In America Are White Males Pt.3 In this reasoning Dr. Umar Johnson explains why 69% of suicides in America are white males.
Dr. Saphire Longmore On Concerns About Water Scarcity And Need To Protect Our Aquifers Pt.2 In this clip Dr. Saphire Longmore expresses her concerns about water scarcity in Jamaica and across the world. Dr. Longmore goes on to speak about the need to protect aquifers in Jamaica.
Dr. Umar Johnson On Why The ‘Opiod Crisis’ Is One Of The Greatest Examples Of Racism In Modern Times In this reasoning Dr. Umar Johnson explains why he believes the opiod crisis is "one of the greatest examples of racism and differential treatment of Black people in America in modern times." The Story Of Jamaica’s Mo ...
Dr. Hinds “Immanuel Kant’s Beliefs About Blacks Were Never Based On Research But Hearsay” Pt.4
Dr. Hinds "Immanuel Kant's Beliefs About Blacks Were Never Based On Research But Hearsay" Pt.4 In this reasoning professor and author Dr. Jay-Paul M. Hinds explains how Immanuel Kant's beliefs about Blacks were never ...
Everton Blender On Producers Telling Him They Don’t Want Him Singing Songs About Rastafari Pt.3 In this reasoning legendary reggae singer and producer Everton Blender speaks on the power of music and producers telling him not to sing songs about Rastafari. The Story Of Jamaica’s Most Famous Shirt :The Mesh Marin ...