In this reasoning educator and owner of Burlington Chiropractic Dr. James Galgano speaks about the connection between a persons spinal health and the health of their organs and nervous system. Dr. Galgano also explai ...
Seun Kuti Shares Stories About His Father Fela Kuti And Talks Politics And Music (Full Interview) In this reasoning Nigerian musician, singer and the youngest son of the famous Afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti starts off by sharing his early experiences in music , social responsibility of musicians, and love for Peter Tosh ...
Dr. Kwasi Konadu On The World’s Misunderstanding Of Vodun, Voodoo And Why It Terrifies People Pt.1 In this reasoning professor, healer, and author Dr. Kwasi Konadu speaks about the history of 'vodun', people mistaking for 'voodoo', and why people are terrified of it.
Michael Moss On Why We Are Losing The Unfair Battle Against Modern Addictive Foods (Full Interview) In this reasoning author and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Michael Moss starts off by explaining why he stared investigating processed food companies and writing his groundbreaking book 'Sugar, Salt, Fat'. Next, ...
Mutabaruka “War Shows Us Human Beings Are No Different From Other Animals” In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka speaks about modern wars and the nature of man.
Tiph’arah On Keys To Glowing Skin, Women Being Competitive With Each Other, Issues With The Church In this reasoning self-care alchemist and owner of 'Tropiki Naturals' Tiph'arah starts off reasoning by sharing her issues with Christianity and church leaders. Tiph'arah goes on to speak about the importance of 'foo ...
Tiph’arah Talks Spiritual Benefits Of ‘Foot Washing’ And ‘Earthing’ A.K.A ‘Grounding’ Pt.5 In this reasoning self-care alchemist and owner of 'Tropiki Naturals' Tiph'arah talks about the spiritual benefits of 'foot washing' and 'earthing' also known as 'grounding'.
Ras Flako On People Misreading The Bible, Not Eating Meat Or Using Salt, And Early Era Of Rastafari In this reasoning recorded in 2017, author and Rastafari elder Ras Flako Tafari starts by sharing his belief that people are reading the Bible wrong. Flako goes on to speak about the importance of reading and his 'it ...
Comedian Desi Alexander Shares His Experiences, When His Jokes Do Not Make The Audience Laugh Pt.4 In this reasoning comedian, actor, and writer Desi Alexander shares his experiences when his jokes do not the audience laugh.
99-Year-Old Author Dr. Hazel Bennett Talks Marriage, Parenting, Life And Jamaican History In this reasoning with librarian, author, documentarist, and lecturer Dr. Hazel Eloise Bennett speaks about marriage, parenting, life, Jamaica, and more..