In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka speaks criticizes people fro not thinking for themselves.
Dr. Imani Tafari-Ama On How Epigenetics Can Save Black People, Self-Hate, And More (Full Interview) In this reasoning thought leader, author, and lecturer Dr. Imani Tafari-Ama starts off speaking about the history of femicide in Jamaica and reasons for the current high numbers of gender-based violence in Jamaica. N ...
Dr. Dorothy Holley On Our Country Being A Hotbed For Anxiety And Depression In this reasoning psychologist, author, and recording artist Dr. Dorothy Adamson Holley, aka Drum Dr. Dot shares why she believes anxiety and depression is so high amongst American citizens.
Dr. Kwasi Konadu : How Our African Ancestors Learned To Protect And Heal Their Minds And Bodies Pt.3 In this reasoning professor, healer, and author Dr. Kwasi Konadu explains how our African ancestors learned to protect and heal their minds and bodies.
Mama Iman On Why Maternal Deaths And Premature Births Are So High Amongst Black Women In this reasoning elder doula and massage therapist Mama Iman explains why the rate of maternal deaths and premature birth are so disturbingly high amongst Black women.
Comedian Desi Alexander On Conquering His Anxiety, Teachers, Science Of Comedy (Full Interview) In this reasoning comedian, actor, and writer Desi Alexander starts off speaking about his mother being a play writer and promoter. Next, Desi shares how he became a comedian, experience as a school teacher, working ...
Mutabaruka “It’s A Problem Black People Take the Bible Literally More Than Any Other Group On Earth” In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka speaks about the dangers of 'Black People' believing the stories of the Bible are historical facts instead of allegories.
Dr. James Galgano On Why He Doesn’t Recommend People Take Steroids For Back Pain Pt.2 In this reasoning educator and owner of Burlington Chiropractic Dr. James Galgano shares why he does not recommend people take steroids for back pain.
Dr. Kwasi Konadu On How The Dogons Discovered ‘Sirius B’ Without The Use Of Modern Telescopes Pt.2 In this reasoning professor, healer, and author Dr. Kwasi Konadu explains how the Dogon people of Mali discovered 'Sirius B' before European astronomers without the use of advanced telescopes.
Dr. K’adamawe Knife On The True Nature Of Man, Finding Self, Doubt, And The Bible (Full Reasoning) Dr. K’adamawe A.H.N. K’nife is a lecturer and researcher in The Mona School of Business and Management at The University of the West Indies. Dr. K’nife also serves as the Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship Think ...