In this reasoning licensed therapist, motivational speaker, and author Ronnie Sidney, II shares tools children can use to prevent and stop bullying.
Nuri Muhammad On Humans Being Replicas Of God And Having The Power Of God Within Them Pt.3 In this reasoning Student Minister of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, author, activist, mentor, life coach, and entrepreneur Bro, Nuri Muhammad speaks about the difference between self-esteem and self worth. ...
Dr. Umar Ifatunde : His Stance On Abortion And Talks AI Making Poverty Worse For Black People Pt.3 In this reasoning Dr. Umar Ifatunde speaks shares his stance on abortion and explains how AI will make the poverty situation for Black people in America worse.
Mutabaruka On Forgotten History About Marcus Garvey’s Work In His Country And Abroad In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka speaks about his disappointment in educators lack of knowledge about Marcus Garvey. Mutabaruka also shares history about Marc ...
Burning Spear On Early Years, Making Generational Music, And Power Of Marcus Garvey (Full Interview) In this reasoning legendary Jamaican roots reggae singer-songwriter, vocalist, arranger and musician Burning Spear starts by speaking about brother influencing him musically, learning of his own abilities to sing, and cr ...
Dr. Umar Ifatunde On Carlee Russell Situation And Crisis Of Missing Black Women Pt.2 In this reasoning Dr. Umar Ifatunde speaks about the Carlee Russell situation and talks about the crisis of missing Black women in America.
Nuri Muhammad Shares The Greatest Life Lessons He Learned From Min. Louis Farrakhan Pt.2 In this reasoning Student Minister of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, author, activist, mentor, life coach, and entrepreneur Bro, Nuri Muhammad shares the greatest life lessons he learned from Min. Louis Farrakha ...
Burning Spear “We Need A Public Holiday For Marcus Garvey In Jamaica” Pt.2 In this reasoning legendary Jamaican roots reggae singer-songwriter, vocalist, arranger and musician Burning Spear speaks about the greatness of Marcus Garvey. Burning Spear also talks about the need for a public hol ...
Dr. Umar Ifatunde Talks Jess Hilarious Backlash, Attack On Black Women , And Trans Children Pt.1 In this reasoning Dr. Umar Ifatunde speaks about the backlash comedian Jess Hilarious is receiving for her comments about trans women and what he believes is the attack on black women. Dr. Ifatunde also shares his co ...
Naba “You Can’t Say Your A Kemetic If You Don’t Know And Practice Kemetic Culture” Pt.3 In this reasoning priest, healer, and author Naba Iritah Shenmira explains what Kemetic culture is.