In this reasoning, author James Wilson on why he believes HBCU's are struggling to attract both on the field and in the classroom. Wilson also speaks on what he believes is black peoples unrealistic expectations for ...
Yahki Awakened On Self-Love Being The Key To Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle Enjoy 'Throw Forward' clip from Yahki Awakened sharing why he believes people struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Rizza Islam On People Loving Dogs More Than Humans, Black White Supremacist, And Power Of Melanin Rizza Islam is an author, activist, and self-proclaimed intellectual extremist. In today’s reasoning he speaks about America's unhealthy relationship with dogs, Black White supremacist in the black communi ...
Shahrazad Ali On Why Loneliness Is The Greatest Threat To Black Women Today Pt.4 Legendary author, Shahrazad Ali speaks today about the loneliness being the greatest threat to black women, racism still being Black people greatest issue, and shares story of her times as a poet and how s ...
Angela King Shares On Why Abortion Gets So Much Funding In The Black Community Pt.2 Author, television personality, right wing speaker, Angela King speaks about loneliness being the greatest threat to Black women, racism still being Black people greatest issue, and shares story of her tim ...
King Randall “Any Area Saturated With Bad Women, It’s Because The Area Is Saturated With Bad Men” In this reasoning founder of Life Preparatory School King Randall, speaks about the need for every black man who does not have children to mentor a black boy.
James Wilson Explains Why Dr. Umar Ifatunde Is Misunderstood By The Black Community Pt.2 In this reasoning, author James Wilson explains why he believes Dr. Umar is misunderstood by the Black community.
Shahrazad Ali : Making More Money Than Her Man, Does Not Make A Women The Head Of A Household Pt.3 In this reasoning legendary author, Shahrazad Ali speaks on men being the head of the household regardless of income. Sister Ali also chastises women who keep their children away from their father and issues with the ...
Rizza Islam Talks Psychiatric Drugs Making People Violent And Modern Weed Making People Crazy Pt.2 Rizza Islam is an author, activist, and self-proclaimed intellectual extremist. In today's reasoning he speaks on why psychiatric drugs are categorized as (Schedule II drugs), why psychiatric drugs are mak ...
James Wilson : Majority Of Kids Books Written About Black Figures Are Written By White Women Pt.1 Author James Wilson discusses why majority of children's books about black figures are written by white women.