Enjoy 'Throw Forward' clip from Dr. Jay-Paul Hinds speaking the brilliance of the influential thinker Hubert Harrison. Hinds also speaks about how Hubert's ideas inspired Marcus Garvey.
Dejazmatch Kwasi On The Type Of Men Who Give Women The Most Anxiety And Gives Advice To Young Men Enjoy 'Throw Forward' clip from Dejazmatch Kwasi speaking about the importance of men putting their purpose over 'pum pum'.
Eddie Chambers On ESPN Ranking Boxing The Toughest And Most Difficult Sport In The World Pt.1 Eddie Chambers is a former world class professional boxer who fought for a unified world heavyweight title. In part 1of this reasoning, Chambers agrees with ESPN's ranking boxing as the toughest and mo ...
Yahki Awakened On Why He Believes ‘So Called Black People’ Are Indigenous To This Country Pt.3 In part 3 of this reasoning, Yahki explains why he believes what he refers to as 'so called Black people' are indigenous to American land and not Africa.
Nathan Daley Warns Men To Watch Out For Women Who Will Set Them Up To Get Robbed Or Killed Pt.6 Nathan Daley is a 13 year law enforcement veteran and founder of The Blue Phoenix Initiative. In part 6 of this reasoning, Nathan Daley warns men to watch out for women who will set them up to get robbed o ...
Paula Hurlock : Spiritual Growth, Unforgiveness, Dangers Of Comparison (Full Interview) Paula Hurlock is a Jamaican mental health and wellness advocate. Paula Hurlock starts off speaking about the need to not be enslaved by our schedules and criticizes Western workaholic culture. Next, Hurlock explains ...
Dr. Knife On Expanding Your Aura, Third Eye, Practice Of Alchemy, And Confusion About Global Warming Dr. K'adamawe Knife is a Rastafari lecturer and researcher at the University of West Indies in Jamaica. Dr. Knife starts off by explaining how one can increase their merkaba (aura) and talks about the principle of co ...
Judge Joe Brown “This Country Does Not Lock People Up To Get Slave Labor Under The 13th Amendment” Enjoy 'Throw Forward' clip from Judge Joe Brown speaking about the important role the 'Prison Industrial Complex' plays in America's society.
Paula Hurlock :Comparing Yourself To Someone Else Makes No Sense, Because Everyone Is Different Pt.5 Paula Hurlock is a Jamaican mental health and wellness advocate. In part 5 of this reasoning, Hurlock speaks on how comparison robs us of our peace and why we need run our own race.