Akil Parker is a professor, tutor and owner of 'All This Math'. In pt.5 of this reasoning Akil Parker breaks down how 'consequential thinking' would save so many of our brothers from death and prison. ...
Bishop Nathanyel On Why He Believes This Generation Of Men Hate Women So Much Pt.1 Bishop Nathanyel is an author and founder and bishop of Israel United In Christ. In pt.1 of this reasoning, Bishop Nathanyel shares why he believes this generation of men hate women so much. Bishop als ...
Daryl Davis On Seka Toure Being Crazy And Seeing Dead People Hanging From Bridges In His Country Daryl Davis is an international recording artist and race relations expert who has received numerous awards and high acclaim for his book Klan-Destine Relationships and his award-winning film documentary A ...
Desi Alexander On Anxiety, What Panic Attacks Feels Like And Men Not Being Able To Embrace Other Men Desi Alexander is a comedian, actor, and writer. Enjoy 'Throw Forward' clip from Desi Alexander opening up about his struggle with anxiety, and explains what a panic attack feels like.
Spragga Benz Talks Early Years, Starring In Shottas, Dancehall, Rastafari, Family And More.. I Never Knew TV has collaborated with The Lion's Voice Network to bring authentic RasTafari and pan-African voices to our ever growing platform. The Lion's Voice Network prides itself in allowing the Lion' ...
Priest Kailash Says ,”There Is Not Much Difference Between Wild Crafted And Pool-Farmed Sea Moss” Hon. Priest Kailash is author owner of Mount Kailash Rejuvenation Centre in St. Lucia W.I., In pt.5 of this reasoning, Hon. Priest Kailash speaks on why he believes there is not much difference between wil ...
Akil Parker And INKTV On The Real Reasons College Is Not For Everyone, Especially People Who Can’t.. Akil Parker is a professor, tutor and owner of 'All This Math'. In pt.4 of this reasoning Akil Parker and INKTV discuss the reasons college and entrepreneurship is not for everyone.
Daryl Davis On Black People Inventing Rock -N- Roll And How White People Popularized It Pt.5 Daryl Davis is an international recording artist and race relations expert who has received numerous awards and high acclaim for his book Klan-Destine Relationships and his award-winning film documentary A ...
Floyd Jarvis On Arabs Controlling Illicit Ganja Trade In NYC And Why It’s A Problem.. Floyd Jarvis is an adjunct professor, Director of BMCC Cannabis Workforce & Business Development, and Rastafari Chaplain. In pt.1 of this reasoning Jarvis expresses his concern about the Arabs control ...
“The Media Is Lying To Everyone About Haiti And Barbecue, Barbecue Is Not A Gang Leader, He Is A..” Deacon Malachi is leader in the IUIC. In this reasoning Deacon Malachi explains why he believes the media is lying about the current situation in Haiti and Jimmy 'Barbecue' Cherizier.