Professor James Small is a scholar activist, dynamic speaker, and organizational consultant. In pt.1 of this reasoning, Prof. James Small speaks about O.J. Simpson and the important role black women pl ...
Hon. Priest Kailash On The Evil Spirit Of Envy, Power Of Rastafari, Manifestation, Good Deeds, and More Hon. Priest Kailash is author owner of Mount Kailash Rejuvenation Centre in St. Lucia W.I., Click link to learn more about Hon. Priest Kailash and his products: 👉🏿
Bishop Nathanyel Gets Real About Experiencing Temptation And Controlling His Sexual Urges Pt.5 In pt.5 of this reasoning, Bishop Nathanyel opens up about how he deals with temptation and how he controls his sexual urges.
Rizza Islam, King Randall, And Maj Toure Talk About Everything Black People Are Scared To Talk About Watch POWERFUL reasoning with special guests Rizza Islam, King Randall, and Maj Toure speaking about everything Black people are scared to talk about..
Floyd Jarvis On How People Who Were Locked Up For Cannabis Are Legally Selling It Now In NYC Pt.3 In pt.3 of this reasoning, Jarvis explains how people who were locked up for cannabis can get into the legal cannabis business in NYC.
Rizza Islam, King Randall, Maj Toure: All Religions Have Failed To Help Black People In This Country In pt.3 of this reasoning, Rizza Islam, King Randall, and Maj Toure share their views on the role religion plays in the Black community.
Daryl Davis : His Experiences With The KKK, Psychology of Racism, Race Wars, Elvis Presley, and More Daryl Davis is an international recording artist and race relations expert has eceived numerous awards and high acclaim for his book Klan-Destine Relationships and his award-winning film documentary Accidental Courte ...
Rizza Islam, King Randall, Maj Toure :Today’s Music Is Putting Our Young People On ‘Death’ Mode n pt.2 of this reasoning, Rizza Islam, King Randall, and Maj Toure the powerful influence modern music has on the young generation.
Bishop Nathanyel On Why They Put The Hammer Down On Diddy And The Elites Who Control Black People Bishop Nathanyel is an author and founder and bishop of Israel United In Christ. In pt.2 of this reasoning, Bishop Nathanyel speaks about the accusations against Diddy. Bishop Nathanyel also speaks about t ...
Floyd Jarvis On Over 20,000 Black Men Were Denied From Helping Ethiopia During Italian Invasion Floyd Jarvis is an adjunct professor, Director of BMCC Cannabis Workforce & Business Development, and Rastafari Chaplain. In pt.2 of this reasoning, Jarvis explains the real reason the EWF (Ethiopian W ...