Neriah Shiloh is an advocate for Black men explains there is a need for Black men to receive empathy. She also explains why she herself cooks for her husband after work and criticizes modern women for not ...
Bishop Nathanyel Speaks On Suicide Crisis Amongst Black Men And Tells Them “To Never Give Up” Pt 6 Bishop Nathanyel is an author and founder and Bishop of Israel United In Christ and speaks about the suicide crisis amongst Black men.
Chester Higgins On Haile Selassie Having The Strongest Aura He Has Ever Experienced From A Human Pt.3 Chester Higgins Jr., a cultural anthropologist, Egyptologist, spiritualist, and legendary photographer speaks about the aura Emperor Haile Selassie and the famous picture he took of Selassie in 1973.
Dr. Knife : How To Increase Your Merkaba, Give Off Good Energy, And Expand Your Energy Field Pt.1 Dr. K'adamawe Knife a Rastafari lecturer and researcher at University of West Indies in Jamaica speaks on increasing your merkaba, how to give off good energy, and how to expand your energy field. ...
Midwife Asasiyah : Dangers Of Teenage Pregnancy and Why Pregnant Women Need Auxiliary Services Pt.3 Midwife Asasiyah is a licensed midwife. In this reasoning she speaks about the dangers of teen pregnancies and why pregnant women need to use auxiliary services.
Nuri Muhammad On Black People’s Emotional Attachment To Chick-Fil-A Sandwiches Nuri Muhammad, Student Minister of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, author, activist, mentor, life coach, and entrepreneur. In this reasoning Nuri Muhammad speaks on the fifty ingredients found in t ...
Mutabaruka “Africans See Themselves As Cursed People Because Of The Story About Ham In The Bible” Mutabaruka author, television personality, right wing speaker speaks about the story of ham and flood not being factual.
Dr. Boyce Watkins Speaks About The Jay Morrison And Tulsa Real Estate Fund Situation Pt.2 Dr. Boyce Watkins is author, speaker, and founder of The Black Business School. In this reasoning Dr. Watkins speaks on his relationship with Jay Morrison, the Tulsa Fund, and the criticism he has received ...
Rizza Islam Talks New Scary Technology (Nanobots And Neuralink) Pt.5 Rizza Islam is an author, activist, and self-proclaimed intellectual extremist. In today’s reasoning Rizza Islam explains what nano bots and neuralink technologies do and why we should be concerned about t ...
Rizza Islam On People Loving Dogs More Than Humans, Black White Supremacist, And Power Of Melanin Rizza Islam is an author, activist, and self-proclaimed intellectual extremist. In today’s reasoning he speaks about America's unhealthy relationship with dogs, Black White supremacist in the black communi ...