Judge Joe Brown is lawyer, tv personality, and former Tennessee Criminal Court Judge. In part 2 of this reasoning, Judge Joe Brown criticizes modern men and women in America. Judge Brown also explains ...
Priest Kailash “Who Grows The Ganja Is Much More Important Than Where The Ganja Is Grown” Pt.2 Hon. Priest Kailash is author owner of Mount Kailash Rejuvenation Centre in St. Lucia W.I., In pt.2 of this reasoning, Hon. Priest Kailash explains why the person growing the herb is much more important th ...
Paula Hurlock Of The Dangers Of Opening Your Third Eye, Experiencing Inner Hell, And Hearing Voices Enjoy this powerful reasoning from Jamaican mental health and wellness advocate Paul Hurlock. She speaks on finding inner peace despite the chaos in the world, discernment, our third eye, material wealth, ...
Judge Joe Brown On The Real Reason America Is Supporting Illegal Immigrants More Than .. Pt.1 Judge Joe Brown is lawyer, tv personality, and former Tennessee Criminal Court Judge. In part 1 of this reasoning, Judge Joe Brown criticizes the support of illegal immigrants by the American governmen ...
Mustafa Briggs “Before Colonization Africans Never Referred To Themselves As Africans” Pt.4 Mustafa Briggs is an author and lecturer who is known for his groundbreaking book 'Beyond Bilal; Black History In Islam'. In pt.4 of this reasoning, Mustafa Briggs shares the historical origins of the ...
Daryl Davis On Free Masons, History Of The KKK, And Presidents Who Were Members Of The KKK Pt.1 Daryl Davis is an international recording artist and race relations expert has received numerous awards and high acclaim for his book Klan-Destine Relationships and his award-winning film documentary Accid ...
Mustafa Briggs On The Man Who Inspired The Moorish Science Temple, 5 Percenters, And Nation Of Islam Mustafa Briggs is an author and lecturer who is known for his ground breaking book 'Beyond Bilal; Black History In Islam'. In pt.2 of this reasoning, Mustafa Briggs explains how Dr. Edward Wilmot Blyde ...
Priest Kailash On The Evil Spirits Of Envy And Jealousy And Learning To Be Happy For Others Success Hon. Priest Kailash is author owner of Mount Kailash Rejuvenation Centre in St. Lucia W.I., In pt.2 of this reasoning, Hon. Priest Kailash speaks about the evil spirt of envy and jealousy.
Rizza Islam On White People Dying Faster Than They Are Being Born In This Country Pt.6 Rizza Islam is an author, activist, and self-proclaimed intellectual extremist. In pt.6 of this reasoning Rizza Islam speaks the problems facing white people in this country.
Rusty Cundeiff On Directing Crazy Skits For Chappelle’s Show And Why He Believes Dave Left The Show Rusty Cundieff is an American film and television director, actor, and writer. In pt.3 of this reasoning Rusty Cundieff talks about his experience being a director for the Chappelle's Show and why Dave Cha ...