In this clip from January 2023, professor and author Dr. Jay-Paul M. Hinds explains why all children need 'fathering' and how a good father provides an environment for a child to mature in a healthy way.
Dr. Dorothy Holley Talks Loving Yourself, Anxiety, Understanding Trauma, And More (Full Interview) In this reasoning psychologist, author, and recording artist Dr. Dorothy Adamson Holley, aka Drum Dr. Dot starts by explaining how traumatic experiences can hinder people from being their best. Next, Dr. Holley share ...
Dr. James Galgano On Humans Being Designed To Live To 120 And His Unique Method Of Chiropractic Pt.3 In this reasoning educator and owner of Burlington Chiropractic Dr. James Galgano shares why he believes all people have the ability to live to 120-years-old. Dr. Galgano also shares his unique approach to chiropract ...
Dr. Kwasi Konadu “We Can Learn More From The Failures Of Marcus Garvey Than From His Triumphs” Pt.4 In this reasoning professor, healer, and author Dr. Kwasi Konadu speaks about lesson that can be learned from African leaders Marcus Garvey, Thomas Sankara, Amilcar Cabral.
Dejazmatch Kwasi Talks The Greatness Of Haile Selassie And Historical Lies About The Emperor Pt.2 In this reasoning entertainment attorney, author, music artist, and founder of the Jamaica Music Conference Dejazmatch Kwasi on the greatness of H.I.M Emperor Haile Selassie and what he believes are historical lies about ...
Kesonard Gordon “Waste From Bauxite Companies Killed The Local Fish Industry In My Country” Pt.1 In this reasoning Friends of the Rio Core President Kesonard Gordon Speaks about the fish kills and health issues caused in Rio Cabre St. Chatherine, Jamaica. Gordon claims the waste from bauxite factories are pollut ...
The Bald Head -N- The Dread “Watch Out For People Who Do Good Deeds For Selfish Reasons” Ep.141 On the 141st episode of The Bald Head-N-The Dread Podcast, Jr (The Bald Head) and Autarchii (The Dread) reason about people who do good deeds for selfish reasons and the importance of giving genuine support ...
Dejazmatch Kwasi “Men Need To Put Their Purpose Over P$##Y” Pt.1 In this reasoning entertainment attorney, author, music artist, and founder of the Jamaica Music Conference, Dejazmatch Kwasi speaks about the importance of men putting their purpose over p$##y.
Mutabaruka “So Many Grandmothers Died Waiting For Jesus To Return And Him Still Nah Come Back” In this reasoning Rastafari dub poet, musician, actor, educator, and radio host Mutabaruka speaks criticizes people fro not thinking for themselves.
Dr. Imani Tafari-Ama On How Epigenetics Can Save Black People, Self-Hate, And More (Full Interview) In this reasoning thought leader, author, and lecturer Dr. Imani Tafari-Ama starts off speaking about the history of femicide in Jamaica and reasons for the current high numbers of gender-based violence in Jamaica. N ...